Tuesday, April 15, 2014


To all parents of Mulan Cast members and stage crew:

Play performances are Wednesday-Saturday, April 16-19. 

On Wednesday morning, the cast will perform for the school at 8:45.  Please have your child come to school in costume with hair & makeup ready.  They will need a change of clothes for afterwards. 

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday performances will begin at 7pm.  Students need to be at the school, in costume with hair & makeup ready no later than one hour before (6pm). 

Saturday, April 19th will be a 2pm matinee.  Students will need to be ready and at the school by 1pm.

If you are unsure of what your child should be wearing, please check the previous post for details.  For most of the costumes, some elements will be provided by you.  Stage Crew members should dress completely in black—they can wear their Mulan Tshirt if they chose to buy one.  Students will not be allowed to eat in the room they are using during performances.  Please have them eat sufficiently BEFORE coming to the school. 

Tickets are still available and can be purchased before or after school.  Tickets are $1 each and will be first come, first serve.  We also have arranged for the show to be photographed, so watch for details about pictures.  We have a need for the show to be videotaped (we have someone to edit already), so if you have a video camera and can be there for a performance PLEASE let Mary Ann Fuhriman (801-485-2248 or 801-502-3661) know.

We hope you are as excited about this show as we are.  The students have worked really hard and we are all very proud of them!  THANK YOU also to all the hard-working hands that have been helping out!  You are amazing!  We have a great community at Rosecrest and this event makes us stronger!

Come see the show, we hope to see you there!


If you are unsure of what your child should be wearing as a costume, please follow this LINK to ALL of the costume notes that were set home.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

T-Shirt Orders are due TOMORROW--Thursday, March 27

T-shirt order forms went home on Monday.  There are 3 choices available:  A regular T-shirt, a girl fit T-shirt, and a sweatshirt.  Please have orders turned in TOMORROW.  Order forms are available in the office, or print the image included with this post.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Costuming Info

The next few weeks are crazy with activity and preparation for the show.  We have a team that is working on costuming, but we want yo to be aware of a few things.

1:  Please get sizing to Steph Strasser TODAY (see previous post).  We need to place an order for scrubs so they get here in time.

2:  All cast member will need black shoes for the show (The exceptions are:  Shan-Yu & Ancestors.).  For girls, this should be simple black flats--no heel.  These should be shoes you can perform in.  Black canvas shoes (Toms style) are good too.  For boys, ideally these should be black canvas slip-ons (Van's or knock-off).  We think many of you will have something that works.  FOR ALL:  If you need to purchase, you can find inexpensive options at Payless, Walmart (I saw some for around $5), or Target.    If you find a good deal on shoes, please post it in a comment on the blog.

3:  Be prepared to make a payment for your costume.  We are working to keep costume costs minimal.  You should plan on costumes costing about $20 for the ensembles.  For other roles, the cost could be slightly more.  If the cost of a costume is beyond your ability to pay, please contact Mary Ann Fuhriman or Mrs. West.  We can often find someone willing to help with these costs.  Students will not receive costumes until payment is made.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Costume sizes needed

It is getting closer to show time and we need to know your child's size so we can start ordering certain pieces. Several cast members will be wearing scrubs so the chart below should help you know which size they will need. If their measurements are not listed please send their sizes that you would usually buy them. Please email me at ststrasser@gmail.com with your child's name and their top and bottom size by Friday. We are also working on getting a costume fee figured out and will let you know ASAP. Thank you! ~Steph Strasser

Monday, February 24, 2014

Call for Volunteers!

Your child has talent!  Now it’s time to put yours to good use!  We need all kinds of help for the production of Mulan, Jr.!  Today, you will receive a few emails inviting you to sign up and help  through “Sign-Up Genius”.  This site is easy to use and will even remind you of your time to serve!  Remember each parent is expected to volunteer a minimum of two hours or pay a $20 fee.  Once you have completed your service, report your time to Lori Thompson (email: princess_belle@hotmail.com, text: 1-480-252-8131)—this will keep her from harassing you when the time comes.  Thanks in advance for your help. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Ensemble lists

This is a list of which ensemble your child is in. This will help you know which days your child needs to be there, their costume needs and what part they need to be working on at home. Everyone should be  in at least one ensemble.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Revised and updated schedule for Feb 24th - March 20th

 Here is a more accurate and revised schedule for the upcoming month of rehearsals.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Letter to Parents

Here is a letter to all parents that was handed out last week.  CLICK HERE

Updated weekly schedule for Feb 18-21

Here is a special schedule for this week.  CLICK HERE

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rehearsal Schedules

There seems to have been a problem with the links.  I have fixed them and they should work properly now. Please comment if you are still have trouble. Thanks.

For the Daily Rehearsal Schedule CLICK HERE

For the Month by Month Schedule CLICK HERE

Friday, February 7, 2014

We have a CAST!!!

Congratulations to all who tried out! We really have amazing talent at our school. We are so excited to get to work with each of you. Click RIGHT HERE to see the full cast list.
Monday will be the first rehearsal from 3-5:00PM.  The FULL CAST is asked be there.  Director Jenn will be handing out a schedule, so please make sure to attend.  Congratulations to everyone!  Auditioning takes a lot of courage and we are proud of all of you!

Friday, January 31, 2014


Happy Chinese New Year! Today all of Rosecrest enjoyed opening a fortune cookie to reveal our 2014 production: MULAN!
Fourth through Sixth grade students should sign up to audition in the front office. Audition dates are Tuesday, February 4th and Wednesday, February 5th.  They all received an audition packet today detailing expectations.  It also includes a contract for participation and materials to be used for auditions.  Students should choose a monologue and a song for their auditions.  Students must have a contract signed by a parent/guardian in order to audition.  If your child has lost/forgotten the audition packet, a link to these documents can be found in the right sidebar of this blog page.
Kids who would like to be part of STAGE CREW should still fill out a contract and write Stage Crew at the top.  Stage Crew contracts can be turned into the office.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Important Dates to Remember!

January 31st - The play will be announced to the school. all 4th-6th graders are invited to pick up an  
                       audition packet from the lunchroom after school.

February 4th & 5th  3pm-5pm Auditions

February 6th Call backs 12:45-until complete

February 10th Rehearsals Begin 3-5pm

April 14th & 15th Dress Rehearsal

April 16th-19th Play Performances