Monday, February 24, 2014

Call for Volunteers!

Your child has talent!  Now it’s time to put yours to good use!  We need all kinds of help for the production of Mulan, Jr.!  Today, you will receive a few emails inviting you to sign up and help  through “Sign-Up Genius”.  This site is easy to use and will even remind you of your time to serve!  Remember each parent is expected to volunteer a minimum of two hours or pay a $20 fee.  Once you have completed your service, report your time to Lori Thompson (email:, text: 1-480-252-8131)—this will keep her from harassing you when the time comes.  Thanks in advance for your help. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Ensemble lists

This is a list of which ensemble your child is in. This will help you know which days your child needs to be there, their costume needs and what part they need to be working on at home. Everyone should be  in at least one ensemble.


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Revised and updated schedule for Feb 24th - March 20th

 Here is a more accurate and revised schedule for the upcoming month of rehearsals.


Monday, February 17, 2014

Letter to Parents

Here is a letter to all parents that was handed out last week.  CLICK HERE

Updated weekly schedule for Feb 18-21

Here is a special schedule for this week.  CLICK HERE

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Rehearsal Schedules

There seems to have been a problem with the links.  I have fixed them and they should work properly now. Please comment if you are still have trouble. Thanks.

For the Daily Rehearsal Schedule CLICK HERE

For the Month by Month Schedule CLICK HERE

Friday, February 7, 2014

We have a CAST!!!

Congratulations to all who tried out! We really have amazing talent at our school. We are so excited to get to work with each of you. Click RIGHT HERE to see the full cast list.
Monday will be the first rehearsal from 3-5:00PM.  The FULL CAST is asked be there.  Director Jenn will be handing out a schedule, so please make sure to attend.  Congratulations to everyone!  Auditioning takes a lot of courage and we are proud of all of you!