Tuesday, February 24, 2015
If you haven't ordered t-shirts, you now have until TOMORROW, Wednesday, February 25th. We should have known Monday was a bad day to have orders due?!? Order form is on the blog, or follow these links (CAST T-SHIRT or STAGE CREW T-SHIRT). Stage Crew members need to have a T-shirt…it's your uniform for performance nights! THANKS ALL!
Friday, February 20, 2015
Remember T-shirt orders!
T-shirt/sweatshirt orders are due MONDAY! Hard copies are in the office or click the link to the right and print one off. Please remember to put you order and $ in an envelope marked Alice T-shirt order and turn it in to the office.
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Practice canceled Tuesday the 17th.
Play practice has been canceled by the director today only. Thank you!
Thursday, February 12, 2015
T-shirts: $10.00
Hoodie: $20.00
Order your Alice in Wonderland T-shirt or Hoodie! Orders will be taken until February 23rd. Place your order form and payment in an envelope marked "Alice T-shirts" and give to the front office. Stage Crew needs to use a different form because their shirts will be printed with "STAGE CREW" on the back. These shirts will serve as their "uniform" for performances. Stage Crew shirts are ordered in the same way: place your order form and payment in an envelope marked "Alice T-shirts" and give to the front office.
Tickets for the Show
Preorder Tickets!!! Cast and crew have the opportunity to preorder 6 tickets
for the show.
Tickets for the show are
$1.00 each. Please
bring your completed ORDER FORM with payment to rehearsal March 2nd or 3rd to receive your preordered
tickets. (Link is listed in far-right column). Make checks payable to
ROSECREST PTA. Preordered tickets will be given upon receipt of form and payment.
Additional tickets
can be purchased after the preorder period by completing a form and
submitting it to the office. Order
forms and payment should be placed in an envelope marked “Alice Tickets”. These tickets will be dispersed within
2 days of receiving the order and payment.
Stage Crew Information
Stage Crew members met on Monday to discuss their important part of this production. Stage Crew will meet 3 times to create items for the set. They also will be required at most of the full cast rehearsals after March 12th. The schedule and expectations for Stage Crew can be found HERE. The link is also in the right-side column of this blog under LINKS.
As with our performers, participation of parents is critical. We ask that parents volunteer three hours of time with the Stage Crew. If you are unable to help, we ask that you make a donation of $20. To sign up for help with Stage Crew click HERE. The link is also in the right-side column of this blog under LINKS.
As with our performers, participation of parents is critical. We ask that parents volunteer three hours of time with the Stage Crew. If you are unable to help, we ask that you make a donation of $20. To sign up for help with Stage Crew click HERE. The link is also in the right-side column of this blog under LINKS.
Wednesday, February 11, 2015
Tomorrow is early day and the play practice is FULL CAST 12:50-2:45. Thanks!
Sign up to VOLUNTEER!
Creating a magnificent show requires the effort of all of us. The contract to participate encourages parents to volunteer 3 hours or pay $20 to help offset the cost of your nonparticipation. Being part of the show is FUN and your children love to have you involved! Please follow this link to volunteer through SignUpGenius. Lori Thompson will be following up with volunteering and if you TRULY cannot find a single way help you can pay the $20 at the time we collect money for costumes.
Remember we still have the signup for Parent Help during full-cast rehearsal. To fill in a time there, follow the link in the right-side column.
Remember we still have the signup for Parent Help during full-cast rehearsal. To fill in a time there, follow the link in the right-side column.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Stage Crew
The Stage Crew application deadline has been extended! Please bring your signed contract with you Monday February 9th to play practice right after school. A schedule will be handed out that day for all stage crew participants. Contracts can be printed off from the link --> to the right and must be signed be the student and a parent.
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