This blog will be a primary source of information. Please follow it and check back for important details. Here are the important dates and information as we work towards auditions:
- Tuesday, January 5th and Wednesday, January 6th are open auditions after school. Students should come prepared with a monologue from the audition packet and to sing the provided music. All students who audition will have a role in the production.
- NEW THIS YEAR: A Student Information Survey must be completed for each student. This survey is available HERE. Providing the information is critical to our production team. Be prepared to provide basic measurements of your child. A completed survey is REQUIRED for auditioning. If you do not have internet access, a copy of the survey will be available in the office on Monday, December 14th.
- Students and parents MUST sign the signature form at the back of the packet. This is your student's ticket to audition.
- Callbacks will be held Thursday, January 7th.
- The cast will be listed Friday, January 8th after school.
- We look forward to working together to create an unforgettable, positive experience for all students! We need everyone's help to make it happen. We will be assembling production committees--so be thinking of how you want to help!