Dear Cast and Parents,
Our show is going so well and the cast has been so great to work with . Here are a few dates to take note of so you do not get confused and miss any rehearsals.
February 22nd and March 1 are choreography review days..All choruses -Be Our Guest, Human Again, Villagers, Gaston Chorus, and Wolves need to be there both days.
Scene 12 on February 26 and 27 includes all Villagers.
Block Scene 13 on Feb. 27 means everything to the end of scene 12 so this includes Main Servants and Flatware.
Review Act 2 on Feb. 28 includes all scenes from scene 7 after Be Our Guest to end of show.
Act 1 includes Scenes 1-7 up to the end of Be Our Guest.
All Cast and Parents! Please take note.
February 22 and March 1 are choreography reviews. All Choruses-Belle (Villagers), Gaston Chorus, Be Our Guest, Human Again and Wolves are needed.
Here is the time schedule for both days:
February 22
3:05-3:30 -Wolves
3:30--4:00- Belle (Villagers)
4:00-4:30- Be Our Guest and Human Again
4;30-5:00 -Gaston Chorus
March 1
3:05-3:30- Mob/Villagers, Gaston, LeFou, Belle, Maurice
3:30-4:00 -Belle
4:00-4:30-Be Our Guest -Human Again
February 26 rehearsals includes Villager Chorus.
February 27 and 28 rehearsals include All Cast
Act One goes from scene 1 to right after Be Our Guest
Act Two goes from s