Tuesday, January 31, 2023

 Little Mermaid,  Jr * February Schedule

* Please note, Starting March 2nd,  All CAST Rehearsals run from 3pm to 5:30pm

02/01    Music Review    Fathoms Below & Under the Sea (3-4pm)

                                           Daughters of Triton & She’s In Love (4-5pm)

              Dance Review    Daughters of Triton & She’s In Love (3-4pm)

                                           Human Stuff & Poor Unfortunate (4-5pm)

02/02    Run Act I             All Cast in ACT I (Only Chrous members in Fathoms & Under the Sea)                                                  (3-5pm)

02/06    Block Scenes      12 & 14 (3-4:30pm)       

                                           * Flounder, Sebastian, Scuttle, Prince Eric, Ariel, Grimsby & Carlotta

02/07    Choreograph     One Step Closer (3-4pm)

                                           * Ariel & Prince Eric

              Dance Review    Human Stuff (4-5pm)

                                           * Scuttle & Gulls

02/08    Music                  Les Poisons (3-4pm)

              Dance Review    One Step Closer (3-4pm)

              Music                  One Step Closer (4-5pm)

              Choreograph     Les Poisons (4-5pm)

                                           * Chefs

02/09    Choreograph     Les Poisons (1-2:30pm – SHORT DAY)

                                           * Chefs

02/15    Music                  Kiss the Girl (3-4:15)

                                           * Sebastian, Lagoon Animals

              Choreograph     Kiss the Girl (4-5pm)

                                           * Sebastian, Lagoon Animals

02/16    Choreograph     Kiss the Girl (1-2:30 – SHORT DAY)

                                           *Sebastian, Lagoon Animals, Prince Eric & Ariel (Block Scene 15 into the song)

02/21    Block Scenes      17 & 18 Ariels Grotto & Ursula’s Lair (3-4pm)

                                           * King Triton, Sebastian, Flounder, Ursula, Flotsam & Jetsam

              Dance Review    Human Stuff (3-4pm)

                                           * Scuttle, Gulls

              Block & Choreograph     Scene 19 (4-5pm) Confrontation

* Ursula, Flotsam, Jetsam, Prince Eric, Sailor, Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder, King Triton

02/22    Music                  The Contest & Times Up (3-4pm)

                                           * Grimsby & Princesses

              Block                   Scene 16 (4-5pm)

                                           Carlotta, Grimsby, Princesses, Prince Eric, Ariel

02/23    Music Review    Les Poisons &  One Step Closer (3-4pm)

                                           * Chefs & Prince Eric, Ariel

                                           Times Up & Poor Unfortunate (4-5pm)

                                           * Ursula & Voice

02/23    Review Blocking              Scene 19 Confrontation (3-4pm)

* Ursula, Flotsam, Jetsam, Prince Eric, Sailor, Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder, King Triton *Sea Chorus *

Scene 20 (4-5pm)

*King Triton, Prince Eric, Ariel, Grimsby, Mersisters, Sea Chorus

02/27    Review Blocking               Scene 19 Confrontation (3-4pm)

* Ursula, Flotsam, Jetsam, Prince Eric, Sailor, Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder, King Triton   

              Music Review                  *As Needed

02/28    Dance Review                  Les Poisons, Kiss the Girl, & One Step Closer (3-5)

                                                         *Chefs, Sebastian, Lagoon Animals, Prince Eric & Ariel

Blocking Review              Scenes 16, 17, 18, & 19 (3-5pm)

* Ursula, King Triton, Grimsby, Carlotta, Sebastian, Flounder, Ariel, Prince Eric

03/01    Run Act II                          All CAST (3-5pm)

                                                          * Block Bows (Scene 20)

03/02    Music Review                   All CAST – All Chorus numbers (3-4)

              Stage Crew                       Tech Set-up (3-4)            

              Tech Rehearsal                All CAST & Stage CREW (3-5:30pm)

03/06    Dress Rehearsal               Run Show – All CAST & All Stage CREW (3-5:30pm)

03/07    Full Dress Rehearsal       Run Show – All CAST & All Stage Crew (3-5:30pm)

03/08    School Performance       * ALL CAST * 8:30 am, Meet in The HUB

03/08    Wed. Opening Night       * CAST CALL TIME 6:00 pm

                                                         Show Starts @ 7:00 pm

03/09    Thursday Night                 * CAST CALL TIME 6:00 pm

                                                          Show Starts @ 7:00 pm

03/10    Friday Closing Night        * CAST CALL TIME 6:00 pm

                                                          Show Starts @ 7:00 pm

* If you have questions, please email me at Tracianywhere@gmail.com.


Thanks for all your support! 😊






Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Welcome, parents & students, to Rosecrest’s production of “The Little Mermaid, Jr”! I love this musical and I am so excited to be directing for Rosecrest once again!

Rosecrest elementary has a long history of musical theater.  I was introduced to this in 2008 when I was asked to direct the musicals for the school.  That first year we produced “Beauty and the Beast Jr” with myself as director and Mariann Lucy as musical director.  Later, I brought in a professional dancer and choreographer (a former student and great friend), Alex Rasmussen, for “Annie, Jr”.  

During the next five years at Rosecrest we produced five musicals.  I would have loved to continue, however, my family and I moved to California, Texas, and Arizona for work related reasons. Fortunately, we found our way back home to Millcreek where we plan to stay. Now, with the pandemic behind us, Marriann, Alex and I are also back together and in full swing for “The Little Mermaid, Jr”. 

You will find below a rehearsal schedule (please be aware that this may change). We have a tight schedule this year due to a variety of scheduled school days off.  You will notice that I have scheduled rehearsals on “short days” before long weekends.  It is imperative that your student check the schedule daily and attend the rehearsals they are scheduled. Rehearsals will run from Mondays to Thursdays leaving Fridays open for Stage Crew.

I have listed the rehearsals below with a M for Musical Rehearsals or a C for Choreography rehearsals. If it reads M – Blocking or C – Blocking, it means we are doing both, Blocking and Music or Blocking and Choreography.

*Click on image to view schedule bigger.