Costume notes for all choruses were distributed on Monday. These notes detail the items your child needs for his/her costume. They also indicate the costs of your costume. We will distribute costumes tomorrow. Costumes will only be given to students who have paid for their costumes. In case you have misplaced your costume note--I've attached the information below. I've also included information for cast members not in a chorus. Cast members should be prepared with their own base makeup. They should also be prepared to apply their own base make up.
Candy Gal, Candy Kids, Matilda
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Oompa Loompas
Click Here
Click Here
Winners, Charlie, Mr & Mrs Bucket, Phineous, Willy Wonka
Each of you should have been putting together a costume. If you are still unsure about what you should be wearing, contact me ASAP (Mary Ann 801-502-3661).
For make up, please apply:
- Foundation and powder
- Red lip stick
- Eyeliner
- Blush
Grandmas and Grandpas
Each of you should have been putting together a costume. If you are still unsure about what you should be wearing, contact me ASAP (Mary Ann 801-502-3661).
For make up, please apply (you will be given wrinkles by our makeup team):
- Foundation and powder
- Red lip stick
- Eyeliner
- Blush
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